Panahov: “Azerbaijan is a democratic country and its elections are in the world’s spotlight”.

The Azerbaijani Central Elections Commission has been working since January to prepare for the forthcoming parliamentary elections in the country.  This was stated by the Chairman of the CEC, Mazahir Panahov in remarks he made at a training session for district elections commissions held in Baku on Friday (14 August). The Azerbaijani News Agency APA quoted Panahov as saying that “the CEC pays attention to the public awareness and a special program is being prepared to raise election awareness”, adding that “ the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan pays special attention to the awareness of election commissions and gives recommendations to the CEC in the orders he issues regarding the approval of action plan”.

Panahov told the gathering that the  CEC was engaged in raising awareness of the election through the media. “We are always trying to involve public representatives and representatives of international organizations operating in Azerbaijan in all these processes. As Azerbaijan is a democratic country, its elections are in the world’s spotlight like the elections held in other European countries, and we seek to ensure that the preparations for the elections are held at a high level. We   are trying to create all the conditions for the Azerbaijani electorate to be able to demonstrate their political will on election day”, he said.

source: CEW with APA